Please note: the content on this site is rather dated. It's here for archival purposes and to keep references to this site active. To see what I'm currently working on, please visit
About me

My name is Alex Krist and I was first licensed as an Amateur Radio Operator in the Netherlands in 1985. I was issued the callsign PE1MBI. The License privileges that came with that license were the same as the current Tech license in the USA, meaning unlimited access above 50 MHz.
When I moved to the United States near the end of 1996 to marry my wife Jennifer, who also holds an Extra Class license, I first obtained a Tech Class license with the callsign KG4ECV. Then I upgraded to Extra Class so I have full privileges on all Amateur Radio bands from 1.8MHz and up. When I searched the FCC databases to obtain a vanity callsign, I couldn't believe that my last name as a callsign was still available. I was sure that someone would have picked it already, but no one did. So I changed my callsign from KG4ECV to KR1ST.
I have a wide range of interests in the realm of Amateur Radio.
Although often the Public Service aspect of the hobby is stressed, my
main interests are experiments in technology and contesting. I like to model and
build various antenna systems, build hardware, and write software.
Because I like to share what I learn, I put the most interesting
projects I've worked on on this web site to share with you.
Sharing and helping each other are key aspects of Amateur Radio, and I very much like to do my part. I've learned from many other Amateur Radio Operators, who we call "Elmers", and I do my best to pass onto others what I have learned. I receive many emails from around the world and I am always happy to help if I can. So don't hesitate to drop me a note if you have a question or if you think I could be of help to you.
--Alex, KR1ST