Please note: the content on this site is rather dated. It's here for archival purposes and to keep references to this site active. To see what I'm currently working on, please visit
The most fascinating subject within Amateur Radio has to be Antennas. Every Amateur Radio Operator talks about it as if we're talking about the weather, and almost everyone experiments with various antenna designs. The same goes for me. I have build and tried many different antennas for HF, but also for VHF and UHF. On these pages I'd like to share some of my experiences with you.
HF antennas

A Stealthy HF Coat Hanger Antenna
There's a lot you can do with coat hangers. As hams we already know we
can build antennas with them. But for HF? Sure!

My Magnetic Loop Antenna
I've spent quite some time experimenting with this antenna. This antenna
allowed me to operate on the HF bands when I lived in a ground floor

A Halo 4 Stack for 70cm on the Cheap
Your multiband radio has the 70cm band but you don't have a 70cm
antenna? Build this Halo 4 Stack without breaking the bank.

A Tree Friendly 2 Meter Halo Antenna
Always wanted to try 2 meter weak signal operation (SSB, CW), but don't
have a tower or mast to mount a horizontally polarized, omnidirectional
antenna? This article describes an easy to build Halo antenna that you
can hang from a rope in a tree.
SWL antenna

A Magnetic Loop Antenna for Shortwave Listening (SWL)
This how-to article describes a magnetic loop I recently built for
shortwave listening. Now that the sunspot numbers are declining I needed
something better than the built-in whip antenna on my portable shortwave
receiver. Building on the experience I gained with a small transmitting
loop, I developed this receive-only loop.